Sunday, July 22, 2012

Busy summer!

Well I am not keeping up on blogging as well as i had hoped this summer! We have been crazy busy!! Between having a baby, birthday party's, weddings and graduations and play dates..we have been swamped! Thankfully its all fun stuff!

Well...except...Ty FINALLY got his bottom 2 canines, after months of teething. Glory Hallelujah and Amen!

We have been to our favorite lake, and the kids loved it!! Elijah wasn't as scared as last year, and did not want to leave.

Julia is our little fish and is doing great!

...and then there's Titus, who we have discovered can not skip naps gracefully! lol
He kept asking Kris to hold him and saying "BeeBoo" (boo boo) he was a little scared of the water!

And my sweet Asher is learning to smile

so i pretty much spend all day talking in a high pitch voice trying to get him to smile!

He melts my heart every time!

Cant believe he is 7 weeks old!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to that high pitch voice-I can not get enough of Jackson's smiles still. Cute kiddos. Miss seeing ya!


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