Saturday, August 11, 2012

Silly Titus!

Titus is my Ham. Of all my kids, he loves to make us smile. God gave me Titus at a very crazy time in my life. Elijah at that time (i was pregnant with Ty guy) was regressing in to his Autism. And life was very very hard. When Ty was born they put him in my arms, and i could not stop smiling, and he still has that effect on me. He will be 2 very soon. And he is trying so hard to grow up! Just today he is starting to jump like a big boy. And we have to clap and cheer every.single.time. 

So when i am getting the kids dressed in the morning they all have to wait their turn, well Ty decided to start on his own with the undressing, and this is what happened..."oh no! Stuck" he says..hehe, new fashion style?

and then he loves to help "mama" as he calls me, with making supper. How blessed am I with such an adorable, happy helper?! Love that goof ball of mine!


  1. He is soooo adorable. Miss all the kids but Ty reminds me so much of Kristofer - the ham is definetly com,ing through. You are so blessed as a family!! And we are so blessed to have you all!!!!

  2. yes, ty is definitely my kristofer Jr! wich makes him that much cuter to me :)


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