Monday, October 17, 2011

Blessings of toast

sometimes in life it is all how you look at a situation. While i was using the *ahem* facility's..Julia wanted to make me breakfast, she rolled out the microwave cart and made me...breakfast. Now my house smells like burnt smoke, bread and plastic and my Tupperware will never be the same. But some how i still think it is cute she took the time to make me something. She was so excited i didn't have the heart to tell her i would probably be toxic poisoned if i even attempted to eat her creation. I have allot of work ahead of me in teaching  her how to cook, but at least i know she has a servants heart..which is more important than good cooking skills anyhow..or at least a very close second ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Whats for Supper?!

Rachael Rays Pizza Puff Recipe

is what! they are so yummy and we call them pizza kids don't like pepperoni so we are gonna try different flavors..i am thinking Hawaiian pizza is a next time try (ham or bacon and pineapple) we doubled the recipe and did full size muffins..i think they would re heat well also, give them a try!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drinking from a cup!

What an accomplishment! His sister and Mr Elijah have been having many tea party's and through these tea party's Elijah has learned to drink from an open cup!! yay!! Every one is so excited and Elijah now is drinking all the time to show off said new skill

I made Julia a hat, she thinks its pretty cool!! i consider that a success!
and this little guy continues to be as sweet as ever!

today my nephews are coming over, and i plan on doing a special thank you post to all who donated to the autism walk, life has just been so full! have a good day :0)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yesterday Ty had his 12 month appt. He is in the 30% for weight, 40% for height, and the 30% head cir.

21lbs 12.5 oz , 29 3/4 in, my baby isn't so babyish any more :(  He walks. tries to run, says more than a handful of words, sleeps really well, eats everything and anything, calls any one he likes daddy, insists on throwing his own dirty diaper away and continues to amaze us with how smart he is
His appt took 2hrs, and i have no clue why!
When we got home i was getting the kids ready for bed and had Julia use the rest room. She comes out crying, she got soap in her eyes. Mrs Drama milked it..and milked it. She cried for 20 min, when she calmed down enough to talk, she requested this, i complied, because it was so funny!
all because of soap in her eye,"i want a band aid to look like a cross over my eye" she says. And of course Elijah had to do the same. "Yellow"??? he says.
only difference, he took his off right away, Julia slept in hers *sigh*

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day out with TY

 Every birthday we have a special day out, in honor of the birthday child. For Tys birthday we went to the childrens museam in our city. I was suprised how big it was seeing i hadnt been there in forever! WE started the day going out to breakfast/lunch (lunchfast? brunch?) wich is a super treat!! we never go to resturants anymore. It went smoothly and no dishes to clean. Cant ask for more ;)




It was so much fun! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy birthday Titus

Its just so hard to believe, a whole year has gone by...

Titus' last time going to bed an 11 month old.....

Singing Happy Birthday.....
Enjoying cake,

His siblings were so excited, he has no clue why

Titus didn't mind either

He really enjoyed pulling things out of a bag,
a shirt mommy loves, also he got some new Jammie's,

and a room sign i made him

and daddy made him a toy box!!!

needless to say, little man had a great day. We had our customary birthday fun day out with Ty too, will blog about that another day though! I am trying to accept, that he is really 1!! It will probably take me a whole year to come to terms..and then he turns 2, but lets not think about that.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Gift

Have you ever received a gift that was a surprise? Maybe on Christmas or a birthday. I think you know what I am talking about, the gift you never thought you would get, never asked for and in opening it you don't know what to say. Not that it was bad, just unexpected. At first maybe you don't know what to do with it, what function or use it has in you home. And then over time, you wonder how you could have ever lived with out it, it soon becomes something you love to tell other people about. And then it becomes that much more special, because someone knew that it was perfect for you, even though at first you didn't.

That is exactly how I feel about Elijah. My perfect gift from God.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My present for Titus

This is what i have made for my soon to be 1 year old
We plan on doing a firehouse theme for the boys room...I am happy how it turned out. It needs a little fine tuning but you get the jist!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Please Consider....

You may or may not know that I am participating in the walk for Autism Speaks at the end of September, but if you have been reading my blog, you know about our struggles and victories with autism. You have been there for me: as an encouragement, a prayer, a simple "like" on facebook when we have a victory, you have rejoiced with me in my joy, you have had compassion in my sorrow, and I have never felt alone because i know i am not. And thank you for that, really truly. Not an artificial "thank you" but coming straight from my heart, THANK YOU!!!

I feel so funny about asking for support. But the main pull for the walk is to raise money for Autism Speaks. We need answers for this disability. And I will walk proudly for my Elijah. Would you consider supporting me? You can follow the link i will post below. The smallest donation you can pay online is $20 which i  think is a lot of money, i was hoping 30 of my friends would donate $5 a piece and i would reach my goal of $150, so if you would like to donate less than $20, just ask for my address and you can mail it to me! Anything would be a blessing.

If you can not donate money, consider walking with me. It costs nothing and i would love the company!! You do not need to raise support...I understand if you cannot donate at this time, our family has often wanted to give to various things but could not. Come on out to Frontier Field...lets walk for Elijah, and his CARD team: we would love to have you! I think it would be a ton of fun :) :)

Click here to visit my donation page

If you would like to walk with me it is absolutely free, you do not have to raise money, the walk is like a half hour and you can bring whom ever you would like! You can register at the team CARD page (Elijah's therapist said this was OK, so don't hesitate)..or just let me know you plan on coming! Hope to see you there!

Follow this link if you want info on the walk

Friday, August 26, 2011

For my 3 "I love yous"

You are my I love you {FULL VERSION}

Author: Maryann K Cusimano
I am your parent you are my child
I am your quiet place, you are my wild
I am your calm face, you are my giggle
I am your wait, you are my wiggle
I am your audience, you are my clown
I am your London Bridge, you are my falling down
I am your Carrot Sticks, you are my licorice
I am your dandelion, you are my first wish
I am your water wings, you are my deep
I am your open arms, you are my running leap
I am your way home, you are my new path
I am your dry towel, you are my wet bath
I am your dinner you are my chocolate cake
I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake
I am your finish line, you are my race
I am your praying hands, you are my saving grace
I am your favourite book, you are my new lines
I am your nightlight, you are my sunshine
I am your lullaby, you are my peek-a-boo
I am your kiss goodnight, you are my I love you

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Mommys Heart

Excuse my emotionalism, Julia came up to me today and asked me a question. "Mommy, did i have teachers when i was little?" We call Elijah's therapist his "teachers"  The question caught me off guard. I have braced and prepared my self mentally/emotionally for many situations, surrounding autism. I try to pre think situations, what could possibly happen and mentally pre pare for them. This is one issue, i am kinda stumped on. I do not want to label Elijah in his siblings eyes quite yet. We want to see where exactly he falls on the spectrum before we make an issue of it. Life with autism right now is just regular life for you can see by Julias question, sometimes it is hard to remember a time before this all happened. It made me a little sad, not because it bothers me per say..just that it sometimes reminds me how different our lives really are. I still struggle with this from time to time, missing the "normal", the way things were. Before we had 3 to 4 therapist a day every day coming into the house. I tried explaining to her the best i could in simple terms and not making a big deal of it, that Elijah gets his teachers because his brain doesn't learn how to speak the way our brain does. And his teachers help him learn that. And because her brain does learn to speak, she doesn't need them (teachers). She was ok with that answer and went on her merry way...but it left me with a small lump in my throat. a little wistful a little sad. ......And then Elijah's therapist came to me and said he had fallen asleep during therapy.....


So i went and carried my silent warrior to the couch and made him a little more comfortable, with a heavy heart just stared at his sweet sleeping face. This week, he has had 6 to 7 hours of therapy a day, its worn him out. And i have my days of feeling so guilty.

I didn't write this post to be a downer, i just wrote what IS. Our life with autism has many many ups and this isn't really a down. Its just a mommy feeling a little sappy and sad for her hard working baby.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

As Promised

I promised a couple friends i would post the following..and i thought you may want to see too :)

My Gyro Recipe!
Well, its kinda a conglomeration, i will try to explain best i can!
I first made my own homemade greek yogurt..but i am sure you can use store bought no problem!
Click here for Tzatziki Sauce recipe

My only adaptation to it, i do not puree the cucumber, i find it makes a really watery sauce, instead i Finally chop it, salt it and drain it in a cheese cloth to get all the access moister out. and then add to the recipe, trust me, do this instead it turns out much better.

My next thing i do is marinate my chicken tenderloins in Italian dressing overnight (i am sure you can use Caesar, but i like the sweetness of Italian opposed to the tang of Caesar) Fry chicken along with onions and peppers...

I chop up peppers and onions and add chicken, put a little extra virgin olive oil in a fry pan, fry them for a lil bit, and then add a little less than a tsp of sugar to the mix and fry a little longer. this sweetens the onions and caramelizes them, this is what takes the recipe over the top!
Of course you must have feta cheese and i like to use the Arnold's flat bread as my pita bread, i bought mine at (wal mart)    pile all ingredients in the lightly toasted (i just do that in the fry pan) flat bread and enjoy!

One of many pages of my binder
My next thing to post is...My Recipe Binder is almost done!!!! yay! I just have to buy some more inserts and i will be done, well, i am sure i will never be completely done, seeing i will always be adding new recipes but you get the idea,

This is a binder divider, you can not see but it has a clear pocket to put "to be sorted" recipes in the proper category

My dividers are labeled as followed, poultry main dishes, non poultry main dishes, sides, appetizers, and misc (marinades, jelly's punches etc, this work for me the best) its over simplified and only the category's i use most
My printed out recipes received hole reinforcers

Allot of work, but so happy it is done!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

what we have been up to!

What a fun filled summer, sleep overs and play dates and birthday party's. I have been working on purging and simplifying my life, so the house has easier up keep, we have counted almost 30 trash bags full!!! not including stuff that wont fit in trash bags..that's allot of stuff!!

The next project i have going in order to become more organized.......
Is getting my recipes in order!! Holy cow do i have a whole lotta them!!! So i at down with my recipe box (who is now in the trash) and compiled them all, the pile above is the pile after i sorted and threw away allot. And now i am putting a recipe binder together, i still have to figure out the best way to compile and sort but i am over half way there! yay!!
Speaking of recipes, a new family favorite is home made gyros. I have to admit the desire to make these came from jealousy, while on jury duty my husband had a gyro down town he raved i had to then make my own, of course ;) I found a recipe for homemade tzatziki sauce, and as some of you know i make my own home made yogurt...and tweaked the sauce a bit and made the gyros with caramelized onions and oh my!!! yum yum yum!!! They are too good :) I highly recommend you try making them. I will have to post a recipe sometime.     

This little girl made me so proud the other day. She came running out of my bed room (which is normally not a good thing! )    And said to me, mommy i made your bed!!!  And she did! so well, i was so impressed! WOW, a reminder she is growing up way to quickly :( So i had to take a picture. She is also doing so well in school. we are nearing being half done with kindergarten (probably in the next month) and her reading is taking off! i will have to post a video sometime, i can not believe she is old enough to read, and well....her hand writing has gotten much better also. I love knowing i taught her all of that. It must be the "must do everything myself" part of me. lol.

And this little boy, besides getting, how to tie a big boy tie lessons from his daddy has been doing pretty well :)     He takes himself to the potty on his own, rarely has an accident and is pretty proud of that fact. We just had a huge breakthrough with discipline and now threatening him with a consequence is starting to get him to control himself (thank God) His naughty tempers are starting to become little more normal, more like a typical child, and i can tell he is now learning his lesson, which is a huge answer to prayer and means his progress will  be huge!!! He is trying to sing the alphabet, its very hard to understand but the tune is there and it is so cute!! Along with other songs, it does make me a little sad to hear him try but normally if Elijah is willing to try he eventually masters it, keep on growing little man,mommy i proud of the progress you made and celebrates each victory!

And Titus has now gotten tall enough to pull his breakfast off the table  on the floor and to play in it ;) He walks everywhere repeats quite a bit considering his age and just yesterday was trying to sing "eieio" from old McDonald had a farm. He Loves to color on the magna-doodle, and his first tooth should be poking through any day now (mommy is a lil sleep deprived) I can not believe he will be one in less than a month, where did this year go?? I walked in on this sweet moment and had to take a pic (of course) awe, my kids are so blessed with the best daddy!! I love him just a *little* bit.
And Kristofer has big woodworking plans for Christmas so he is busy blueprinting and scheming, so he is a happy clam!! I am so blessed with such a kindhearted husband, always thinking of his family, that man.

Any way that's what we have been up to!