Monday, October 17, 2011

Blessings of toast

sometimes in life it is all how you look at a situation. While i was using the *ahem* facility's..Julia wanted to make me breakfast, she rolled out the microwave cart and made me...breakfast. Now my house smells like burnt smoke, bread and plastic and my Tupperware will never be the same. But some how i still think it is cute she took the time to make me something. She was so excited i didn't have the heart to tell her i would probably be toxic poisoned if i even attempted to eat her creation. I have allot of work ahead of me in teaching  her how to cook, but at least i know she has a servants heart..which is more important than good cooking skills anyhow..or at least a very close second ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Whats for Supper?!

Rachael Rays Pizza Puff Recipe

is what! they are so yummy and we call them pizza kids don't like pepperoni so we are gonna try different flavors..i am thinking Hawaiian pizza is a next time try (ham or bacon and pineapple) we doubled the recipe and did full size muffins..i think they would re heat well also, give them a try!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drinking from a cup!

What an accomplishment! His sister and Mr Elijah have been having many tea party's and through these tea party's Elijah has learned to drink from an open cup!! yay!! Every one is so excited and Elijah now is drinking all the time to show off said new skill

I made Julia a hat, she thinks its pretty cool!! i consider that a success!
and this little guy continues to be as sweet as ever!

today my nephews are coming over, and i plan on doing a special thank you post to all who donated to the autism walk, life has just been so full! have a good day :0)