Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chunky Monkey

Asher may have a new nick name
I call him my chunky monkey...I think he has earned it! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


If you ask their Mommy....

She thinks she has some pretty Incredible kids!

My latest project for the kids, they love it!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Asher's 4 months

Can not believe he is 4 months old!


my sweet chunky monkey! I know this post is late, Asher turned 4 months on the 2nd, the photos were taken then, but he just had a doc appt so i thought i would wait. He weighs in at 15 lbs 1 oz and 25 inches long, 50th percentile for both. Although his thighs are any thing but average! They are large!  He has started "talking" up a storm..and gets very excited when ever any one walks by him, as he thinks he will surely get picked up. I am told he has very strong neck/control, all my babies had it so i dont see it. Our peid thinks he will be creeping forward very soon because of it. He loves his excer saucer, and is staring to reach out and grab things. He also likes to put things in his mouth to chew, and he drools. He is my best sleeper of the 4 although he just went through a growth spurt that left me exhausted! He is finally doing better in the car..although he still cries some. His current fav thing to laugh at is fake burps. We are just loving this happy sweet boy so much!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meeting Spider Man!

Our Local Mall had a meet and greet with Spidey! We stood in line for an hour and ten minutes just to meet him!

He signed some cards for the boys and was just really nice!

After that we stood in line another 40 minutes for the sticky wall! Elijah loved it! I kinda want one now..look at that, eye contact, direct smile! Surely i can justify this purchase for his therapy room..i am sure his therapist would appreciate it lol
Such a fun family day!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Product Reveiw

I am still alive blogging world! My USB cord that i would use to down load pics is sadly no longer..but i should be getting a new one this week some time and all will be right in the world once again! So just to stay connected i thought i would do some thing i have been meaning to do for a while, give a holler to a fav product of mine that i actually bought with my own money and use and love. These company's i will promote do not even know i am alive but i want to share what i love with you all!

I decided to pick my E cloth first because i truly love it. Our journey to a more natural life style kinda just happened to us. Elijah with his Autism has many sensitivity's  Fragrances is one of them..and also i wasn't so sure if he would ingest the poisonous chemicals if he some how got a hold of them. So I started to eliminate cleaners about 1 1/2 years ago. A 50/50 mix of water and white vinegar is one of my favorites..its my all purpose cleaner. I use it for allot of things. And its super cheep to boot! A friend of mine knew i was trying to go chemical free as much as possible and told me E cloth was having a sale! I thought why not? They were relatively cheap and so i bought a simple starter set.

Click here to see the set i bought

All you do is add water and go to the terry like cloth..i use this for dusting..and the window shiner cloth is short of magical! It even cleans better than white vinegar. I use it on all my glass and metal surfaces...its amazing! I use the window cloth dry after i wipe down the mirror or glass or what have you with the terry cloth first. It has silver ions in it so it wont get all nasty and it cleans so well! If you click on the link below it will bring you to the home page and you can research it better there. Try it, i think you will like it! And sign up for the e letter...she is always having sales!

click here to visit E-Cloth