Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Drawing of Julias

This is a picture Julia Drew. All on her own. She brought it to me and every single time i look at it and makes me  laugh! So i had to share. Its of me and my husband...and if i am interpreting it correctly I am winking??? Bahahhahahha!  

I have chosen to believe that my daughter thinks my husband and I have a very romantic marriage. And I am honored ;)

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Big Sister Awards goes to...

In my opinion, Julia is the best-est big sister ever! She loves her brothers..even when they are not so easy to love!

She always tries to Make Asher smile.....

And just today i caught her holding Asher and he was falling asleep on her. How could that not melt your heart? 

Congrats Julia, an award well deserved ;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ashers 7 week Photo shoot

I have some faithful readers who do not go on Facebook, that i know would want to see these! So please excuse me if you have already seen these! 

Busy summer!

Well I am not keeping up on blogging as well as i had hoped this summer! We have been crazy busy!! Between having a baby, birthday party's, weddings and graduations and play dates..we have been swamped! Thankfully its all fun stuff!

Well...except...Ty FINALLY got his bottom 2 canines, after months of teething. Glory Hallelujah and Amen!

We have been to our favorite lake, and the kids loved it!! Elijah wasn't as scared as last year, and did not want to leave.

Julia is our little fish and is doing great!

...and then there's Titus, who we have discovered can not skip naps gracefully! lol
He kept asking Kris to hold him and saying "BeeBoo" (boo boo) he was a little scared of the water!

And my sweet Asher is learning to smile

so i pretty much spend all day talking in a high pitch voice trying to get him to smile!

He melts my heart every time!

Cant believe he is 7 weeks old!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weird to think a Year ago...

...Well, a year ago this month (July) my Elijah was basically non verbal save a few phrases he had memorized from some movies ( "All Aboard"..from the polar express and "To infinity and Beyond"..from Toy Story) we had been 2 months into intensive ABA therapy and just starting to see some fruit from it. Looking back in this year, i have to be honest..i would not want to relive it. I know that sounds bad but it. was. so. hard. I had to hand my boy over to a team of 5 therapists and trust them. I had to learn to shut off every mommy instinct i had and while my baby screamed and cried for me over in therapy i had to ignore him..sometimes i just sat out side the therapy room door where he couldnt see me, and I cried. And there were days i would get emailed his schedule's for the next week , and i would cry in guilt because he would have 7 to 8 hour therapy days, and at that time he was only 3. Even today, after 2 weeks off of therapy..i received the email of his schedule for next week..and i am so sad. I am gonna miss him.

...But this is the best thing for him. It doesn't matter what i want. Elijah has come leaps and bounds. I am truly amazed..he is probably around a 3 year olds speech level right now. Because he learns to speak differently than a typical child it is hard to place him in a scale of where he is. He is doing amazingly. When he was diagnosed i thought once he learned the purpose of speech he would "catch right on" but that wasn't the case..speech truly doesn't come natural to him. A concept that is hard for me to understand compleatly. But he has to learn every thing. From, every person has a name, to gender, to the fact that he has a name and age (he still mixes them up) each one of those things i listed, has taken him weeks to learn..and he learns them one at a time (just his name and age took over 5 weeks) Right now he is learning where to put the word "its" properly in a sentence. But he is doing so stinking awesome! Many would have given up by now, he is constantly being corrected and always repeats and tries to do it the right way. If something was that hard for me, i would like to think i would raise up and be a tenacious as he. But i dont know...He is an amazing little boy.

Where is Elijah at? Well Elijah is very social..he loves to play with other kids. He some times does not understand whats appropriate socially (ex: if he is wrestling with another little boy in fun, he wouldn't understand when that boy is done, or had enough) He loves to laugh! I love his laugh! He is starting to love to be read to ..his favorite book right now? How do Dinosaurs say goodnight. He loves it. His behaviors have come way down. Like allot allot. No he is not perfect. And we still have melt downs, but they have been reduced by so much, that they are bearable to some extent. He is becoming well behaved. I mean, don't get me wrong, he is Autistic..but there has been so much improvement! He apologizes when he has done wrong, and even some times when he hasnt..but just sees some one hurting. He gives me hugs and kisses with out me asking, he picks flowers for my hair (how cute is that?) He is forming independent sentences, he is talking about his feeling (big deal) just tonight he says to me "i am scared", now even though he has never spoken a whole lot or answers much of my questions..i still act like i expect him to, so i asked him "what are you scared of?" and he answered me! "I am scared of falling down" (he was on the top bunk) Kris and I both got whip lash looking back at him in shock! He is starting to love to sing, and "Jesus loves me" and "I got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart" are sung daily by him. He recognizes the letter "E" as in "E for Whyjah" as he says. He loves being a big brother and makes sure Titus is obeying and coming when he is called. He loves to Hold Asher and hates when he cries. He loves to play with Julia, she is his best friend. The Lord continues to answer our prayers for Elijah. He is growing, forming relationships (last week he hugged his very awesome Sunday school teacher, so sweet!) uses his imagination and makes us smile. Elijah is amazing..and i cant wait to see what next year brings us!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Visiting Great Grandma J

Asher's middle name is Wilson, after 2 men in my husbands life he loves and respects. One is Kris' uncle, and the other is his deceased grandfather. Asher was born on Grandma J's birthday. Her husband is one of the people Asher was named after! Cool, right? We went and visited her yesterday so she could love on the kiddos.

The kids really enjoyed seeing her, and eating Popsicle's and getting loved on. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A week of play dates..and the 4th of July

Asher and His cousin born 3 months before him

We had play dates for every one this week..even the little ones! 

Julia and her Best girl friend..they have known each other all of their very long lives..all 6 of them!

      Titus and my best friends little boy (or not so little, he is adorably chubby) 

4th of July picnic fun!!!

..and we slipped in a happy birthday song for miss Julia

What a fun sunny, week, full of friends! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

One Month Old

One Month Old!

Its going way too quick. Asher is just starting to attempt awkward smiles, you know the kind, that make you heart jump just to see it! He usually gives me one great stretch at night and then wakes up a bunch after ward to make up for it. Ready to wear 0 to 3 month sizes, most likely around the 9 1/2 pound mark. Reminds me the most of Julia and Elijah in looks as baby's. He is a sweet, good baby. This past month has been blessed!