Sunday, November 4, 2012

5 months old

Asher is 5 months old! He is officially obsessed with his daddy and is always trying to catch his eye to be held or played with. He also is enjoying his siblings and their attention, and they are loving all the smiles they get from him. I know i keep saying it, but he is such a happy guy! His name does mean "happy" so i guess we lucked out! He is getting much more coordinated with his hands. He like's to take his paci out of his mouth and put it back in..he also is starting to enjoy playing with toys. He just got over his first big cold, and handled it quite well for how sick he was. 

He is just stating to grow out of some 3 to 6 month stuff...mostly the hand me downs. He has tried some solids..although i plan on keeping him vegan as much as possible because of gut issues that run in the family. He hates all food right now except for mango's. So we are mastering swallowing skills with mango's. Cloth diapering is going really really blow out's at all! Its working better than disposables for us! I am very surprised! He is doing well in the car...finally! He doesn't cry near as much any more. He goes every where with mommy because he hasn't had a bottle in months. oops, i let that one slip! I got re try, i do want him to have that skill. He is a great sleeper when he isnt sick. And i just have fallen in love with this lil guy...seriously, how could i not? Look at him!


  1. He is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad cloth diapers have worked out so well for you! I know I don't have a use for them anymore and I'm a softy for them ;)


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