Thursday, March 8, 2012

18 months old!

Could my baby really be 18 months old?! If you know me i spend my children's half birthdays and birthdays depressed at how quickly they are growing..haha, i try to fake happiness though for their sake!

Titus had his 18 month check up yesterday, Baby boy is in the 75% for height..23lbs 10oz...and has a very tiny head! (haha..all my kids do, it comes from my well for me in child birth) He grows out of shoes and footed sleepers like crazy..,the kid is big foot..clearly again NOT inherited from his mother!

His favorite things? Bath time, getting his hair done..he often brings me the gel and his brush and says "pleease?" , Playing with his ever patient siblings, playing with dinosaurs and trucks, Singing while dancing to the veggie tales theme song (which he did yesterday for the doctors office..he also likes attention) laughing,  snuggling with his mommy, helping daddy fix things, and eating, and his pacifier.

Titus as any 18 moth old is is very active, likes to climb and is learning to talk at lighting speed! He has Daddy's personality, to the point daddy thinks he is hilarious because he can relate, and mommy thinks he is adorable and funny. He often tries getting out of trouble by smiling at you while you are discipling him, or kissing you...obviously he thinks he is charming.

18 months of pure joy to his mommy's heart. I am so blessed!

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