Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Hello there 3rd trimester!

Can you believe it?! I have arrived at the third trimester!! Whoo Hoo! 28 weeks!

Excuse the poor picture quality, Julia and i  took these this morning, in between waiting for the toast to pop up from the toaster..between me and her and the self timer of the camera we were able to sorta catch something in focus ;) I will not be showing you the out takes, they were horribly unflattering! This is what baby center says about 28 weeks gestation

Click here to follow link to baby center

If for some reason you cant follow said link, Basically the baby is 2 and a 1/4 lbs and 14.5 inches long...and i am in the home stretch! Whoo Hoo! (oops already said that ;))

This pregnancy is going fairly well, challenges have been trying to schedule appointments in buffalo and keep Elijahs therapy going. I will start going to the doctor every other week and i am hoping this wont become to much of an issue! The pain so far from my cercloge stitch has been the worst pain of all 4 pregnancy's, but i think that must have to do with having 4 cercloges and the scar tissue is pretty built up. I have an scheduled routine ultra sound next week and am looking forward to hearing that is indeed the case, and my cervix isn't trying to pull anything funny. Which i am sure it isn't, but i am a worry wart, so this ultra sound is perfect timing! Speaking of which, My best friend is coming out next week super early with some of her kiddos to baby sit a good chunk of the day so Kris can actually be at my appointment and the ultra sound, i love her for this since Kris hasn't been to anything in months and months! I have the best-est bestie, she lives like an hour away too..i am gonna totally owe her! If you are unaware of what a cercloge is hop over to this link (but if your a guy it may embarrass you)

Web Mds version of a Incompetent Cervix

It sounds pretty nasty, but i know nothing this is status quot to me :) I never lost a baby as most woman do, but with julia's pregnancy i was 4 cmm dilated at 19 weeks pregnant and only given a 1% chance survival rate. But my God is bigger and had a plan, and i a carried Julia to term at 36 weeks and had a very healthy baby. My own miracle!

Mr Asher has been doing really well. He is a bee bopping around in mommy...daddy has yet to feel a hard kick, because every time he puts his hands on my tummy the baby settles a pain now but all my baby's did that and they all loved to be held by daddy and sleep on him out side the womb. We will keep trying though! Julia was the first one to feel Asher move and she is a lil obsessed with my belly. This pregnancy has been the one i have been the most nauseous, car rides are hard, and if i don't get enough sleep at night (which is my biggest trigger) i am for sure going to have an appointment with the toilet the next day. But really its been pretty decent pregnancy! I am enjoying getting ready for Asher, buying him some clothes and accessories and sewing for him. Being my 3rd boy he has pretty much every thing. We may buy him a cradle, not sure about that yet. All in all i cant complain, God has blessed us..all is going well and i only have a short amount of time left before i get to hold my sweet boy!


  1. I love to read your posts about your lovely family..God has really blessed you Tracie.

  2. Awe, i am so glad, you know..i was just thinking this morning how blessed i am, its funny how when it hits you just the right way, its pretty amazing that God loves me so much that he gave me the perfect family for me! I truly don't deserve it, and am so grateful!


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