Wednesday, May 23, 2012

37 Weeks Today

37 Weeks Today!

Thats right..full term! yay! Getting so close to holding my sweet boy. This pregnancy has flown by in some ways, and in some ways not so much :0) Having 3 littles to take care of does help take my mind off of "how much longer" but now we are so close to holding Asher its ok to dwell on it..and panic! lol, i feel so behind. I had pneumonia and a middle ear infection this past week that knocked me off my feet. I am still recovering, but getting there, and so i feel my nesting is the most behind its ever been! I am trying so hard to not let it bother me, but it just is so hard to see my house messy and know Asher can arrive at any minute..but i promised my self not to be to crazy and to pace myself slowly. I am very thankful my my sweet husband who took care of my kiddos so well.  He stepped up to the plate big time, and he is my hero for it *sigh* i gotta do something special just to thank him, because i know it wasn't day he took the kids to the playground once in the morning, once in the evening and the library and to the "pizza store" for lunch just to get them out of the house so i could be miserable in peace and quite! I was so smart when i married him...his mommy did a good job!

So i just had to jump back here and let you know i am still alive. And i will post some belly pics soon..if we are all up for it, we are hoping to make it to a park if that ever happens i will post some. Hopefully this weekend! But i am 9 months pregnant and have 3 small kids, so dont hold me to it! lol


  1. I'm glad you are on the mend. I hope Asher stays put for you until you have your feet fully under you! My OCD is kicking in for you! I remember those feelings like it was yesterday!

  2. Oh sarah, we are twins separated at birth!


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