Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Note to Asher

Dear Asher,

In less than 2 short weeks i get to hold you in my arms. To kiss your nose, smell that sweet baby smell and start discovering who you are. I can not wait to see who you look like. How you will fit into our family, and see how your siblings adjust to their new roles. I can not wait to fall in love with you. Only two weeks! Two very long weeks! I wonder if your eyes will be blue like Titus" or Hazel like Elijah's? Or will i finally get my brown eyed child? Will you have blond hair? brown hair? How big will you be? Of all the family, who will you resemble?

My pregnancy with you has been pretty normal. I was the most nauseous of the 4, but nothing so awful i couldn't deal with it. I didn't start getting tired until the end, when you started to really grow fast. But that is a fair trade off. At first mommy and daddy thought for sure you were gonna be a girl. The symptoms of this pregnancy were most like Julias pregnancy, but to our shock (and mommy's delight...she was rooting for another boy) you are definitely a boy..modesty will be worked on at a later date. I never thought i would be the mommy of three boys, but am so excited to.

Your Daddy can not wait to meet you, he talks about it....CONSTANTLY....asks how you are and wants to know if there are any signs of you coming. Mommy is a tad surprised, you think after 4 pregnancy's he wouldn't be so excited, but he says its like Christmas and he can not wait! Now that we have done this a few times i already know, daddy will hold you to sleep every night for the first year. I wasn't to happy when he first started this tradition a while ago, but its something he loves to do..and my baby's seem to love their daddy's i let it go. And I love to see that special bond between daddy and baby. I also know on the weekends he will wake up with you at night so i can sleep some..or at least while i lay in bed and try to sleep while i listen to him take care of you and tell my self to stay put and not inter-fear. I can not wait to watch your daddy fall in love with you, like i know he will. You are a blessed little boy to have the daddy you do.

Your clothes are all washed, your car seat is installed, your swing sits in our living room waiting to swing you. Daddy has his shirt that says "daddy of 4" packed for the hospital. Your siblings have their "big sister/brother shirts packed too.Our bags are all packed, We make sure we have tolls in the car for the long ride to buffalo. I have diapers and wipes and burp cloths all ready. Like some how being more prepared will make it come quicker and be more real. You, my little boy are just that final piece to the puzzle that we all can not wait to meet.

So i will continue to crave cinnamon candy's, watch my belly grow, dream of you, and long to hold you. But soon my sweet boy, you will be here and Mommy is so excited! We already love you,

Your Little Family

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