Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Talent Show..that included showing some underwear :/

My Little girl can be quite shy, so when she had to do a talent show for her class at church, well I was a tad nervous. But then I thought, hey what can happen?! Its a bunch of k-2nd  graders! What can go wrong? (insert scary music) ..hahaha..well My shy princess surprised me as she eagerly rose her hand to be chosen to show off her talent. And when she was pick she went up front all smiles! And then she realized where she was, and then, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and started rolling it up, in a nervous absent minded way..not realizing what she was doing...and yes, at my daughters kindergarten talent show she flashed her underwear to the class. So proud! haha!

So after we all started yelling, put your skirt down Julia and we got over that small snaffooo..she then went on and suprised me! 

She loves animals, and bird watching, and drawing, so she drew a peacock and did a small presentation on the Pea Foul Family...Because if you were there she would have explained only boys are Pea Cocks..and Girls are Pea Hens and The family is called a Pea Foul...also, boys only have the pretty feathers and girls have the brown ones...She remembered it all really well! I was really surprised.. pleasantly so!

Her cousin came and and watched her. And i could not resist posting my nutty children attempting a pic with least he looks good!

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