Friday, June 8, 2012

Asher Wilson Hodges, the birth story

For those of you who are un aware, we had Asher Wilson Hodges on June 2nd 2012. What a surprise to me! I had a regular doctors appointment that afternoon and she said that his head was very high and he could that point i was 3 basically 4 cmm dilated and had been contracting sense the day before. I went home bound and determined to walk and get Ashers head to drop into place. When i left the Doctors office the contractions started to get really bad, so bad my tummy was constantly tight and never stopped or relaxed for long periods of time...but with my other baby's when ever i was checked like that i always had a hour of strong contractions and they died down. So i figured this was the usual and was ready to my way back home to Rochester and start nesting for the baby i was sure i would have the following week! I was so behind in house work the idea of having Asher was far far from my mind. I had lists and not every thing was checked off of them! But my contractions never fact they got reallly bad, i waited over 6 hours before giving in that yes, this must be it! I started throwing up every where..i couldn't eat and drink, because they were a minute apart. I was pretty bad. We called my Mom and had her meet up with us at a Burger King by the thru way and while in the parking lot waiting for her i gave those people a show :/ I feel really bad about that, but the contractions at that point were a minute apart and the strength of them were so hard it made me puke! Never happened to me in other labors before, but i do know it happens :)

It was raining pretty bad on the way to the hospital, my husband was a nervous wreck the whole time...i think he thought i was gonna deliver in the car, but i knew i was still a ways away from delivery. I called my doctor and she said she was gonna meet me at the hospital. When we got there she had already arrived and was waiting for me. I got all checked in and i was just shy of 5 cmm. The baby was still really high, so we had to play the waiting game. The doctor did not want to break my water because the baby was so high up if he dropped to quickly he could land on the cord and cause we decided to let my body continue to contract and see if that would drop him. Finally when i got to just shy of 6 cmm i had an ultra sound and made sure that the cord was clear of the babys head and she decided to go ahead and break my water..and boy did it break! I had huge amounts of allot i flooded my hospital bed and every one could not get over it! which was probably the reason Ashers head wouldn't drop...lots of swimming room. After that there was allot of pain...and in less than 2 hours i knew it was time to push! I was able to get 4 great pushes in with each contraction..and he was out in 3 contractions! I felt everything! It was pretty intense! Lots of sweat and pressure ;) Right before it was time to push him out the doctor asked if i wanted to touch his get this..i tried..and i couldn't! My arms were too short! lolol!!! So everyone was laughing at me while i finished delivering him. Once he was out my doctor immediately laid him on my belly and i got to stare in the eyes of my baby boy while they did vitals! It was amazing...such an awesome experience. Asher weighed in at 7lbs 13.6oz, 19 1/2 inches long. I was able to nurse him right away and he did amazing. My recovery so far has been phenomenal.  i feel amazing and have to remind myself to take it easy. i don't even feel like i just had a baby, well, besides the mind numbing exhaustion ;) Our family is so blessed! I will write an update soon on how the kids are all handling it, for now i must say, good night!


  1. He's so handsome !!!! Congrats to you, Kris, Julia, Elijah and Titus !!!

  2. oh gracious, he is adorable!! congratulations!!


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