Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our First Week as a Family of 6!

We had such a full week this week! My husband had off from work for a whole week, i have never had that luxury before with other baby's, he always returned to work after the baby came home. We needed it though. We had so many appointments and crazy rushing around. It was not relaxing but very very needed! Julia and Elijah both ended up with ear infections (Elijah also had a sinus infection) the baby had 2 appointments in one week, he was jaundice and a weight check. Kristofer is getting new glasses and a he renewed his licence..etc etc..the list goes on and was a bunch of little things, but they all added up! So i was very thankful for the extra hands. Seeing i was not intending to go into labor i had some projects i planned on getting done, one was going through all me and my sisters kids clothes and pulling some stuff for a benefit garage sale, we did this 4 days after Asher was born, and it took 5 hours, and we didnt even get to a couple got allot done in that time! I was pleased! Also i am switching out seasonal clothes and putting away clothes my kids have grown out of, i am so close to that being done..but its taking a little while longer than anticipated!

This is Asher at his first Doctor appointment, at his lowest worries though, he gained 6 and 1/2 oz in the two days after this and was up to birth weight by one week old! He was alittle jaundice but the numbers are going down so its nothing to worry about!

This is me and my Grannie Maynerd, is is in her high 90s (98 ?) and she wanted to meet Asher so badly, so i took him when he was 5 days old to meet his great great was pretty special!

Julia didnt like seeing Grannie so weak, it was a little hard for my compassionate girl

At a week old Asher went to Spring dale farms and the kids loved it!

Elijah is begging to go back already

julia loved the horse

and the peacock showed off for us!

Ashers first day in church..he nursed through most of second service though

And a visit from a dear friend and her family.. Titus was smitten!

What a fun week!

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