Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cake For Breakfast!?

 Yes! I did! 
I am a tad proud of myself...lol..my kids never ever eat cereal for breakfast, hardly ever, i normally always make them some sort of meal, pancakes, french toast scrambled eggs etc... But this week and next week Elijah has 2 whole weeks off from therapy and we kicked off his mini summer vacation with cake! What a fun way to celebrate, my kids were shocked mommy went so wild and crazy. 

Julia at first was like, what did you do to my mommy and where is she?! 

Just because i think this is a funny story..Elijah got a Cubbies cup from church, he now calls it his Jesus cup and only drinks from that one. True story.

Titus loved the whipped topping! 

and Asher was just cute and perfect swinging in his swing and slept like a good baby through the whole thing! This morning was another story..i had to make pancakes and take care of a screaming baby at the same time..such is life..you win some and you lose some! 


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