Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby's Hospital Bag/Diaper Bag List

I have created this post mostly for me, I lose this list every baby..so i am creating this list and then Pinteresting it..haha. Hopefully that means I will be able to find it again. Un like the 4 previous time's I have made it!

What I Pack in The Baby's Hospital Bag/Diaper Bag: *For a Nursing Mommy*

  1. Obviously you need a good size diaper bag
  2. Baby clothes for the hospital (i usually bring 2 outfits suitable for the season)
  3. Baby Hats (make sure they are cute..you will be taking lots of pics)
  4. Blankets
  5. Burp cloths
  6. Bibs
  7. Onsies
  8. Diapers
  9. Wipes
  10. Rash Cream, just a side note, i take off all of the safety seals so i am not fussing with those at the hospital
  11. Bottles
  12. Sterilized Nipples for bottles that are the correct "flow" hole...ideally you don't need bottles , but having a baby unexspectadlly end up in the NICU for a night, i always bring them now
  13. Pacifiers, sterilized and checked for any loose parts
  14. Disposable Breast Pads, i have had my milk come in a day post delivery and then 3 days post delivery, you never know when you need them...i use washable at home
  15. Freezer storage bags For Breast Milk
  16. Lanolin Nipple Cream, buy some trust me..i only need one bottle per kid until i don't need it any more but it helps so  much
  17. Breast Pump..this is a separate Bag
  18. Baby travel Package, Baby wash, lotion, and shampoo in travel sizes
  19. Plastic Baggies for soiled diapers, the dollar store sells them in the baby section, 75 for $1 and when you sweet child has a blow out in the car, you will thank me!
  20. Socks
  21. A&D Ointment..for a circ if your having a boy
  22. Hair Bands if your having a girl, gotta look pretty for those pics
  23. Nursing Cover, you have no privacy if you are in a hospital, i think the cleaning guys always time this just right ;)
  24. Take Home outfit, pack 2, one for cooler weather and one for warmer weather...I always have a favorite but have a back up just in case
Dont forget the Car Seat! I will have a post on what i pack for my hospital Bag soon too. But I am currently packing the diaper bag so this is pertinent. Hope that you find this interesting too :)

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