Friday, April 6, 2012

First Day of Spring Break

Elijah is in an Intensive Therapy ABA program, that basically means he has an average of 25 hours of in home therapy a week.  Often its more, because Elijah had a therapist out on FMLA leave and for a little over a month we fell behind until they could find a new therapist. So Elijah can pull a 27 to 30 hour week easily. The school district funds this therapy, it can cost upwards of $10, 000 a month (although i do believe that the district get a deal and its only 30 to 40,000 a year). My husband and i could never afford this. Most school districts would never ever pay the hours and the price for it, God is good and my husband and i have found a district willing to flip the bill, so we have sacrificed allot, and we live in that school district. So far they have granted us everything we have asked for. On the 20th, we have a meeting, with the Chairperson, to talk about our plan of action for Elijah for the next year and petition for summer therapy. I am nervous, it is not unheard of that parents can lose everything in these meetings, but so far as i said the district has been wonderful. Please pray for us as i have to be Elijah's advocate. I know they are gonna want to send him to pre school, and i have to reveal i have absolutely no intention of doing so. I know he is not ready yet.
Because Elijah goes through the school district, we have breaks along with their schedule. Today was the first day of spring break. So excited to have my kids all to my self, no interruptions for a whole week!  This was our morning...

My little man was allowed to sleep in, no being up and fed and dressed and ready for therapy at 8 am for him today!

 We made scrambled eggs and toast, we didn't have a chefs hat that fit him, so we improvised...a fuzzy pimp hat! He was super proud!
And then i gave him permission to go wake up his sister, who was sleeping in herself. This is the look of pure joy a little brother has, when he is told he can be annoying as he wants..haha..poor Julia!

What a great start to break!

1 comment:

  1. He looks just as happy as me this morning. Gotta love breaks!


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