Friday, April 20, 2012

Prayers Answered

We just got back from Elijah's meeting, and it went wonderful! Better than expected actually. We were asked what we wanted and got it. Its days like today when all the sacrifice makes it so worth it!!! We only were reduced 1 hour of speech a week in the summer, and 3 hours of SEIT so instead of 24 hours he gets 20 and then 1 1/2 hours of OT. Thats really really good, most kids get their summer hours taken away! I started off the meeting thanking the school board, and got all teary eyed, man having kids has turned me into a sap! lol.. I thanked them for the amazing support they have been and told them how proud of Elijah i am. I printed up a few pics of him and showed them his beautiful face :) And we got down to business and it all went so incredibly well, i was on cloud 9!! Big smiles leaving the place, We also were    approved a PT eval, we have some issues with Elijah i wont discuss yet, but we will be doing a PT eval like i said and he will need some medical testing, it could be nothing it could be serious. I don't now what it is yet, but just a some prayers would be great. Thank you so much for the prayers, they mean so much. I feel like i won a million bucks right now :) We are gonna order pizza for lunch to celebrate and then daddy has to go to work :/ But for now we will celebrate our victory! YAY!


  1. I know you are :) your awesome like that!

  2. This makes me so happy!!! You and Eijah are still in my prayers!!! Love you all so much!!!


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