Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prayers Please

Tomorrow we have a CPSE meeting..this is the technical definition of a CPSE meeting...

CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education) - The team that is ultimately responsible for conducting evaluations and recommending placement of children (3-5 years of age) in special education programs is the CPSE. The members of the CPSE should include under law the child’s parent, a parent member, a district representative, a general education teacher, a special education teacher, someone who can read and expound upon each of the social, psychological, and academic reports submitted, if transitioning from early intervention programs, an appropriate professional designated by the agency responsible, and a county representative at the discretion of the municipality should also be a part of CPSE meetings.

Basically I will be joining Elijah's therapy team and petitioning the school district. I will be asking for summer hours for Elijah (which are only provided if he shows regression during breaks) and asking for his therapy to continue next year as well. There are parents who walk away losing most services from these meetings, that has never been the case with us. The school district has always been wonderful. But we all know in the back of our minds it is possible. Can you just pray? That Elijah gets what he needs? I believe that summer hours are necessary this year. He has made great strides, but i am afraid if he months off of therapy we would be starting at a lower level in the fall. Elijah does show regression during breaks, but he has an amazing memory, so the regression isn't significant as they may require. But he is having a hard time right now, he cant distinguish between the question "what is your name?" and "how old are you?" he answers "Whyjah" to both...every thing he masters is allot of work, i would hate to stop that. The thought of having summers off does have an appeal to my selfish side, i have to admit. But my gut knows what my boy needs and its not the same for what i want. Especially with the new baby on the way. I always get so nervous, because I know what I am asking, Elijah's therapy is expensive. In other states, parents second mortgage their home to get the top notch therapy we get for Elijah, it even goes down to what county you live in. And even the school district. Its really a shame, because 50% of kids receiving ABA therapy are main streamed. It make cost allot for a few years. But in the long run, if Elijah can be an independent Adult (at this time we do not see a reason why he wouldn't be.. Elijah is very much a typical boy stuck in a body who doesn't understand how to communicate) It will be so much cheaper for the state. So just pray please, allot rest on this. Including my sons progress. I will let you all know how it goes! I appreciate all the prayers and support. It always seems when we are having a rough day, some one has something encouraging to say..that give me enough of a boost to go on and keep fighting. I appreciate you all more than you will ever know, you will just have to take my word for it ;)


  1. I'm praying for sure Tracie! Let me know how you make you! How long before you will know their decision?

  2. Sorry Sarah, day was crazy yesterday and never check the blog, it went so well..thank you guys so much for praying! I am on cloud 9!!


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